Ask our children: What does Islam teach us about being neat and being organized? Why should we be neat and organized? Now tell them the story: Nazeera was a little girl who had good manners and was particular about her salaah. She was always respectful towards her parents, her aapa …
Read More »Nosy Naseera
Ask our children: Can a Muslim spy on other people and peep into their homes? Can a Muslim spy on people and listen to them speaking without them knowing? Should a Muslim always be curious and want to know what other people are doing? Now tell them the story: There …
Read More »Dawood and the Days of the Disbelievers
Ask our children: Which are the special days for Muslims? Can a Muslim celebrate Christmas, New Years, Diwali, Halloween and other non-Muslim special days? Now tell them the story: There was once a boy named Dawood who went to school in the morning, and madrasah in the afternoon. Dawood loved …
Read More »Isma’eel and the Sunnah
Ask our children: 1. Should a Muslim be shy to show his Islam and the Sunnah or should he show his Islam and the Sunnah wherever he goes? 2. What was the reason for Allah Ta‘ala making the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) successful in the world? Now tell them the story: …
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