Ask our children: How many rakaats are sunnah mu’akkadah to perform with the five daily fardh salaah? What is the meaning of sunnah mu’akkadah? What is the virtue of performing these sunnah mu’akkadah rakaats? Now tell them the story: Sulaimaan was a boy who would always perform his five daily …
Read More »Tell-Tale Tasleem
Ask our children: What does it mean to be a tell-tale and carry tales? Is it good or bad to be a tell-tale? What is gheebah (backbiting)? If we hear someone making gheebah, what should we do? Can we call people mean names which they do not like? Now tell …
Read More »Ridwaan and the Month of Ramadhaan
Ask our children: Why does Allah Ta‘ala command us to fast in the month of Ramadhaan? Can we hide from Allah Ta‘ala? Now tell them the story: It was nearly the month of Ramadhaan, and Ridwaan could feel that the atmosphere had changed. Normally, there were just a few people …
Read More »Sulaimaan and School
Ask our children: Where is the best place for a child to learn and study? If we go to school, then what type of school should we attend? What should we do if we attend a school where haraam and sin takes place? Why is it important for us to …
Read More »Maseehah Makes Taubah from Music
Ask our children: Is listening to music allowed in Islam? What did Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) say about music? What did the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) do if they heard music? Now tell them the story: Maseehah was a little girl who had good manners and was kind to everyone. She …
Read More »Hamzah and the Holiday
Ask our children: How should we spend our time in the holidays? If someone is waiting for us but we are not going to go and see them, then what should we do? What type of friends should we have? What happens to a person who has friends with bad …
Read More »Content Kareem
Ask our children: When we look at another person and see all the nice things that Allah Ta‘ala has given them, then how should we feel? How should we feel regarding the things that Allah Ta‘ala has given us? Would the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) compete with one another to see …
Read More »Caring Kareemah
Ask our children: Who are the most important people in our lives? How should we treat our parents, grandparents and other family members who are old or sick and need our help? Now tell them the story: Today was a very exciting day. Kareemah’s nani was coming to stay! Kareemah …
Read More »Aadam and the Day of Aashura
Ask our children: How many months are there in the Islamic calendar, and what are their names? How many months have special virtue and importance, and which are these months? Which day is the Day of Aashura and what is the importance of this day? What should we do on …
Read More »Sorry Saleem
Ask our children: If we make a mistake or do something wrong, then what should we do? If our parents, or our teachers, or our elders correct us, then what should we do? Does Allah Ta‘ala like those who are humble or proud? Now tell them the story: There was …
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