Tag Archives: Masaail

May, 2013

  • 21 May

    Discharging sadaqatul fitr on behalf of one’s wife and baaligh children without their permission

    Q: If a father discharges sadaqatul fitr on behalf of his wife and baaligh children without their permission, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged? A: He should take their permission before discharging the sadaqatul fitr. However, if he did not take their permission, the sadaqatul fitr will only be discharged …

  • 21 May

    Manner of discharging sadaqatul fitr for previous years

    Q: If a person did not discharge his sadaqatul fitr for many years, what should he do? A: He should discharge the sadaqatul fitr for the past years. For each missed year, he will discharge the value of the current year’s sadaqatul fitr. ( تجب )… ( موسعا في العمر ) عند …

  • 21 May

    Giving sadaqatul fitr to a poor non-Muslim in a non-Islamic State

    Q: If someone gives his sadaqatul fitr to a non-muslim in a non-Islamic State, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged? A: The sadaqatul fitr will not be discharged. ( ولا ) تدفع ( إلى ذمي ) لحديث معاذ ( وجاز ) دفع ( غيرها وغير العشر ) والخراج ( إليه …

  • 21 May

    Giving sadaqatul fitr to a poor non-Muslim in an Islamic State

    Q: If someone gives his sadaqatul fitr to a poor non-muslim in an Islamic state (a zimmi), will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged? A: The sadaqatul fitr will be discharged. وأما أهل الذمة فلا يجوز صرف الزكاة إليهم بالاتفاق ويجوز صرف صدقة التطوع إليهم بالاتفاق واختلفوا في صدقة الفطر والنذور …

  • 21 May

    Sadaqatul fitr for those who did not fast in Ramadhaan

    Q: Is sadaqatul fitr only waajib on those who fasted in Ramadhaan? A: Sadaqatul fitr is waajib on those who fasted in the month of Ramadhaan as well as on those who did not fast e.g. women in the state of nifaas, the sick who were unable to fast, the …

  • 21 May

    Sadaqatul fitr on a minor who receives wealth before the morning of Eid

    Q: Will sadaqatul fitr be waajib upon a minor who receives wealth equal to the nisaab of zakaat before the morning of Eid (i.e. before subah saadiq)? A: Sadaqatul fitr will be waajib. تجب على حر مسلم مكلف مالك لنصاب أو قيمته وإن لم يحل عليه الحول عند طلوع فجر …

  • 21 May

    Delaying in discharging sadaqatul fitr

    Q: Will the obligation of sadaqatul fitr fall away if one did not discharge it on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr? A: It is mustahab to discharge the sadaqatul fitr before the Eid salaah. If one did not discharge it before the Eid salaah, then one should discharge it after the Eid …

  • 21 May

    The time when sadaqatul fitr becomes waajib

    Q: When does sadaqatul fitr become waajib? A: Sadaqatul fitr becomes waajib at the time of fajr on the day of Eid-ul-fitr. ووقت الوجوب عند طلوع فجر يوم الفطر (مراقي الفلاح مع حاشية الطحطاوى ص724, تنوير الأبصار مع رد المحتار 2/367) Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Checked & Approved: Mufti …

  • 21 May

    Sadaqatul fitr on a person with an extra house

    Q: Will sadaqatul fitr be waajib on a person who has an extra house, which he does not reside in? A: Sadaqatul fitr will be waajib. تجب على حر مسلم مكلف مالك لنصاب أو قيمته.. فارغ عن..حاجته الأصلية و حوائج عياله والمعتبر فيها الكفاية لا التقدير وهى مسكنه..الخ (مراقي الفلاح …

  • 21 May

    Poor father discharging sadaqatul fitr of his wealthy children

    Q: If the father is poor and his minor children possess wealth which equals nisaab, is it compulsory upon the father to discharge their sadaqatul fitr from their wealth? A: It is compulsory upon the father to discharge sadaqatul fitr of his minor children from their wealth. فيخرجها عن نفسه …

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