Sunnats and Aadaab of Sitting in a Deeni Discourse – Part 1

A Deeni discourse is a means of one acquiring the knowledge of Deen. Hence, in order for one to benefit from the discourse, it is essential for one to learn the correct aadaab (etiquettes) before one participates in the Deeni discourse.

Among the fundamental requirements for one to benefit from a discourse is that one should correct one’s mindset and intention. The intention one should have is to acquire the love of Allah Ta‘ala , His Rasul (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) and ever aspect that is linked to Deen.

Similarly, one should make the intention of learning Deen and rectifying one’s internal and external life. One should make the firm resolution of implementing in one’s life everything that one learns and thereafter imparting it to others.

One should not sit in the discourse with the mere intention of entertainment, passing time or just to increase increase one’s knowledge.

Similarly, it is imperative for one to attend the discourses of the rightly-guided Ulama who are committed to the sunnah and possess sound knowledge and understanding of Deen.

Sunnats and Aadaab of Sitting in a Deeni Discourse

1. You should sit with complete and utmost respect during the Deeni discourse.

2. The primary purpose for one participating in a Deeni discourse is for one to correct and reform himself and to acquire the knowledge of the sunnah (i.e. the mubaarak lifestyle of Hazrat Rasulullah  (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)).

3. Consider the Deeni discourse as a means of spiritual medication and consider the advices to be directed to yourself.

4. You should listen attentively to the speaker.

5. While the Deeni discourse is in progress, you should pay attention to the speaker and should not engage in any other activity e.g. looking around, playing with the cell-phone, speaking to someone, fidgeting with something, etc.

6. While the Deeni discourse is being delivered, you should not engage in any other ibaadah e.g. making zikr, reciting the Quraan Majeed, etc.


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