
October, 2018

  • 1 October

    Hayaa – Shame and Modesty

    Islam is the perfect code of life. It provides complete guidance in all spheres of life and teaches man how to conduct and how to fulfil his worldly and deeni needs. Islam advocates respecting human rights and promotes sublime conduct when interacting with the creation. In aspects of honesty, trustworthiness, …

September, 2015

  • 30 September

    Clothed yet naked

    Every human being is born with several basic needs. Among the basic needs is the need for clothing. Allah Ta’ala declares: “O children of Adam (Alayhis Salaam)! We have sent down to you clothing to cover your nudity as well as adornment for you, and the garment of piety is …

  • 1 September

    Imaan in Grave Danger

    Honesty, trustworthiness, kindness to parents, respect to elders, decency (in manner, speech, dressing, etc.) and a host of other basic values are cherished by one and all. The reality, however, is that such values are gradually becoming rare and extinct. While there could be many factors which cause this lamentable …

August, 2015

  • 18 August

    Hayaa in Dressing

    The Mubaarak lifestyle of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was an embodiment of Hayaa (shame and modesty). From his ibaadat to his eating, sleeping, interacting and even attending the call of nature, every action portrayed the highest levels of shame and modesty. In every dimension of his Mubaarak life, he ensured …

  • 4 August

    Islam – The Perfect Code of Life

    Islam is the perfect code of life. It provides complete guidance in all spheres of life and teaches man how to conduct and how to fulfil his worldly and deeni needs. Islam advocates respecting human rights and promotes sublime conduct when interacting with the creation. In aspects of honesty, trustworthiness, …

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