Islam – The Perfect Code of Life

HayaaIslam is the perfect code of life. It provides complete guidance in all spheres of life and teaches man how to conduct and how to fulfil his worldly and deeni needs. Islam advocates respecting human rights and promotes sublime conduct when interacting with the creation. In aspects of honesty, trustworthiness, kindness to parents, respect to elders, and decency in manner, speech and dressing, Islam is second to none. From among the core values that Islam encourages one to adopt is the quality of Hayaa (shame and respect).

In essence, hayaa (shame and respect) is the stepping stone to acquiring the true morals, values and ethics of Islam. After examining the various laws and injunctions of Islam, whether relating to the domestic, social or economic aspects of one’s life, one will reach the conclusion that the element of Hayaa (shame and respect) forms an integral part of all practices.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم :لكل دين خلق وخلق الإسلام الحياء (موطا إمام مالك رقم 1610)

Every religion has a distinguishing characteristic, and the distinguishing characteristic of Islam is Hayaa (shame and respect).

In a humble attempt to promote hayaa, this series in future will be dedicated to this topic. It is hoped that, Insha Allah, it will make us more conscious of the various aspects of shame and modesty. May Allah Ta’ala enable us to truly adopt hayaa in every facet of our lives. Aameen.


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