Q: A person upon whom qurbaani was waajib purchased the qurbaani animal but did not slaughter the animal until the days of qurbaani passed. How will he make qadha for the missed qurbaani? A: He should give the animal alive (without slaughtering it) in charity. (و) تصدق (بقيمتها غني شراها …
October, 2011
4 October
Qadha for missed Qurbaani
Q: A person upon whom Qurbaani was waajib did not make Qurbaani until the days of Qurbaani passed. How will he make Qadha for the missed Qurbaani? A: He will have to give the value of a sacrificial animal in charity. وإن لم يشتر مثلها حتى مضت أيامها تصدق بقيمتها …
4 October
A poor person purchasing an animal for Qurbaani
Q: If a poor person upon whom qurbaani was not waajib purchased an animal with the intention of qurbaani, will qurbaani become waajib upon him? A: Qurbaani will become waajib upon him through him purchasing the animal for Qurbaani. وتجب على الفقير بالشراء بنية التضحية عندنا (الهداية 4/358) (وفقير) عطف …
3 October
Giving Qurbaani meat as remuneration
Q: Is it permissible to give the Qurbaani meat to those employed for skinning etc. as remuneration? A: It is impermissible to give the Qurbaani meat to those employed for skinning etc. as remuneration. ولايعطى أجر الجزار منها لإنه كبيع واستفيدت من قوله عليه الصلوة والسلام من باع جلد أضحيته …
1 October
Selling the skin of the Qurbaani animal
Q: Is it permissible to sell the skin of the Qurbaani animal and give the money in sadaqah? A: It is permissible. ويتصدق بجلدها أو يعمل منه نحو غربال وجراب و لا بأس بان يشترى به ما ينتفع بعينه مع بقائه استحسانا و ذلك مثل ما ذكرنا و لا يشترى …