Speaking Lies upon Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

وعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من كذب علي متعمدا فليتبوأ مقعده من النار  رواه البخاري ومسلم وغيرهما وهذا الحديث قد روي عن غير واحد من الصحابة في الصحاح والسنن والمسانيد وغيرها حتى بلغ مبلغ التواتر والله أعلم (الترغيب والترهيب 1/145)

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “The one who intentionally speaks a lie and attributes it to me (i.e. one who fabricates a Hadith), then he should prepare his abode in Jahannum.”


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Receiving Seventy Rewards

Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) reported, “Whoever sends salutations upon Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) once, Allah Ta‘ala and His angels will send seventy mercies and blessings upon him in return of his one Durood. Hence, whoever wishes to increase his Durood should increase it, and whoever wishes to decrease his Durood should decrease it (i.e. if he wants to earn great rewards, then he should increase his Durood).”

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