The Reality of Zikr

tasbeehThe hadeeth says that the simile of the one who remembers Allah Ta‘ala and the one who does not remember Allah Ta’ala is like the living and the dead. Sometimes when we hear about zikr then we restrict it to just holding a tasbeeh and reciting some zikr. Yes, we cannot underestimate and undermine this ibaadat, for it has its value and effect even if done unmindfully. However, zikr has a deeper meaning. What do you mean by zikr? It refers to having the consciousness of the presence of Allah Ta‘ala with His sifaat and great qualities i.e. His power, authority, might, etc. When you remember Allah Ta‘ala with this level of remembrance then it is virtually impossible to commit a sin. If someone has got a loaded gun and you know he is hot-tempered and short-fused, and his daughter is before you and he has his finger on the trigger, will you flirt with his daughter? Even if you think of doing it your feelings will die. This is the type of feeling and awareness of Allah Ta‘ala you should bring in your mind.

Source: Al-Haadi



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