The Habit of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (Rahmatullahi Alaih)

baqee2A Hadith says: "When two third of the night passed, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “O people, remember Allah! Remember Allah! The quake of Doomsday will soon occur! The time for the blowing of the Trumpet (Soor) is drawing near! And everybody's hour of death, along with its pangs and throes, is coming!” (Mishkaat). It was the custom of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (Rahmatullah Alaih) to invite a number of Ulama every night, who would speak about death, the Day of Qiyaamah and the conditions and events of the Aakhirah. Thereupon he would weep so bitterly that one might think he was weeping over a dead body lying before him. (Fazaail Sadaqaat-Urdu-633)


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