Preparation for Ramadhaan


Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned:

With the approaching of the month of Ramdhaan, every person’s desire is that whatever he does must be accepted. Thus, for acceptance you require to ensure that the asbaab (means) of acceptance are also in place. The hadeeth speaks of a person’s fast being rejected when he breaks his fast with haraam, whether it is haraam food or food purchased with haraam wealth. The pain that you undertake does not deserve rejection, but one has brought into it something that has ruined it. Similarly, engaging in gheebat and vain talk causes the fast to be rejected. For many of us it is better to sleep and save ourselves from these ruining deeds. Some Mashaayikh say that if one has the urge to make gheebat then make gheebat of one’s parents and pass over your thawaab to them as they deserve it the most. The appropriate thing is that one should get into a routine before the month of Ramadhaan comes. One should get things in order, pay off all outstanding debts even if you are put into constraints. Likewise, covering up qadhaa namaaz, fasts etc.

Source: Al-Haadi


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