The value of humility in the sight of Allah Ta’ala

value-propositionHazrat Shaikh (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) once mentioned:

“Whenever something is found in abundance, it is not shown the level of appreciation and value that is required. On the contrary, if something is scarce, then people generally value to it. I will relate an incident through which we may be able to understand this point. Approximately 50 years ago, the first Tabligh Jamaat left for Kabul. It is my habit that whenever a Jamaat returns I look forward to hearing the details of their trip. Nevertheless, when the Jamaat returned, they informed us that during the trip the food supply was depleted for a number of days and the only food they were able to obtain was grapes and some other fruits. They mentioned that for 4 aana’s (1/6 of a rupee) they were able to purchase two kilograms of grapes. Now ponder, that in a place where grapes are found in such abundance at such a cheap price, do you think the people in that area will appreciate and value it? The lesson we learn from this is that wherever something is found in abundance, it is generally not appreciated. On the contrary if something is very scarce in a place, then great importance is attached to it and it is immensely valued. In the same vein, we should understand that the treasures of Allah Ta’ala are unlimited and there is nothing that is short in the treasures of Allah Ta’ala. However, the only thing that Allah Ta’ala does not possess in His treasures is humility and weakness. Allah Ta’ala is the greatest and there is no weakness within Him. All pride and greatness belongs to Allah Ta’ala alone. Therefore when a servant humbles himself before Allah Ta’ala (i.e. he regards himself as insignificant and he fulfils every command of Allah Ta’ala), Allah Ta’ala greatly appreciates it. To the extent that a person lowers himself, Allah Ta’ala will elevate his status and rank. Every person should take time to ponder and reflect over this. It is reported that Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) mentioned:

من تواضع لله رفعه الله

“Whosoever adopts humility for the sake of Allah Ta’ala, then Allah Ta’ala will elevate his status."

We often refer to ourselves, verbally or in our letters, as “the worst of creation”, “the lowest person”, “worthless person”, etc. However, only Allah Ta’ala knows what we really regard ourselves to be. (Malfoozaate Hazrat Shaikh 1/70)


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