Tell me One Thing and I will tell you Ten Things

flowerOnce someone told Ahnaf ibn Qais (Rahmatullahi Alaihi):

ان قلت لي كلمة اسمعتك عشراً فقال الاحنف لكنك لو قلت لي عشراً لم تسمع مني واحدةً

“If you dare tell me one derogatory word, be prepared to hear ten words from me. In response to this, he (Ahnaf ibn Qais Rahmatullahi Alaihi) replied: “(Be it as it may), however if you wish to tell me ten derogatory words, be rest assured of not hearing even one from me.”

A similar incident has been related about Moulana Jalaaluddeen Rumi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in the books of history. On one occasion two men were caught up in an argument in the middle of a road. Whilst exchanging vulgar words, one said to the other: “O cursed one! If you are dare tell me one derogatory word, I will make you hear ten words.” Coincidentally Moulana Jalaaluddeen Rumi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) passed by in that direction and said: “Brother, leave him alone. Whatever you wish to say, please say it to me. Even if you have to tell me a thousand things, you will not even hear one from me in response. After hearing this statement from Moulana, both these men caught hold of the feet of Moulana and reconciled among themselves. (Jawaahir Paare)


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