Sunnats and Aadaab of Discharging Zakaat – Part 3

1. Give the zakaat to the recipient with respect and dignity. You should not cause any pain to the recipient of zakaat e.g. by embarrassing him or reminding him of your favour upon him.

2. Do not discharge zakaat for show nor publicize the amount of zakaat you have discharged. Carrying out good deeds for show and ostentation destroys the rewards of the good deeds.

3. Ensure that you do not give less than the amount that is obligatory upon you. Zakaat must be discharged after correctly calculating the amount that is due. Do not merely estimate the amount and discharge zakaat, as it is possible that you may estimate a lesser amount and fail to discharge your zakaat correctly.

4. Refer to the Ulama to learn the correct method of calculating zakaat.


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