Q: What age should the animal be in order for the Qurbaani to be valid? A: Goats and sheep have to be at least one year old. However, if a six-month-old sheep resembles a one year old, the Qurbaani will be valid. Bulls, buffaloes, cows and oxen have to be …
October, 2011
12 October
Selling some of the shares in the Qurbaani animal
Q: A person purchased a bull for Qurbaani. Later on he decides to sell some shares of the animal to people who intend doing Qurbaani. Will it be permissible for him to sell some of the shares? A: At the time of purchasing the animal, if the person had the …
11 October
Number of shares in a Qurbaani animal
Q: How many shares are there in a buffalo, cow, ox or camel? A: There are seven shares in a buffalo, cow, ox and camel. ولا يجوز بعير واحد ولا بقرة واحدة عن أكثر من سبعة ويجوز ذلك عن سبعة وأقل من ذلك و هذا قول عامة العلماء (الفتاوى الهندية 5/297) …
11 October
Types of Qurbaani animals
Q: Which animals can be slaughtered for Qurbaani? A: Goats, sheep, buffaloes, cows, oxen, bulls and camels can be slaughtered for Qurbaani. Apart from these animals, no other animal can be slaughtered for Qurbaani. (والأضحية من الإبل والبقر والغنم) لأنها عرفت شرعا ولم تنقل التضحية بغيرها من النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام …
11 October
The law regarding the young that comes out after slaughtering a pregnant animal
Q: What should be done with the young that comes out of the animal after being slaughtered? A: The young should also be slaughtered. If one did not slaughter it during the days of qurbaani then he should give it alive in charity. أضحية خرج من بطنها ولد حي قال …
11 October
Slaughtering a pregnant animal for Qurbaani
Q: Is it permissible to slaughter a pregnant animal for qurbaani? A: It is permissible to slaughter a pregnant animal for qurbaani. However, if the animal is close to giving birth, then it is makrooh to slaughter such an animal for qurbaani. شاة أو بقرة أشرفت على الولادة قالوا يكره …
September, 2011
30 September
Slaughtering a castrated animal for Qurbaani
Q: Is it permissible to slaughter a castrated animal for Qurbaani? A: It is permissible. (و يضحي بالجماء والخصي والثولاء) أي المجنونة (الدر المختار 6/323) وكذلك الخصي جاز وعن أبي حنيفة أنه أحب إلي لأنه أطيب لحما (تحفة الفقهاء 3/86) قال (ولا بأس بأن يضحي بالجماء وبمكسور القرن) …كذلك الخصي لما …