
July, 2011

  • 2 July

    Receiving wealth before one’s zakaat date

    Q: What is the mas’alah regarding a person who received some wealth prior to the completion of the zakaatable year? E.g. Zaid’s zakaatable year ends on the 1st of Ramadhaan. Few days before the 1st of Ramadhaan, he received a lump sum of R1, 000, 000 in inheritance. Will Zaid …

  • 2 July

    Eating Intentionally after thinking one’s Fast has Broken

    Q: After eating forgetfully a fasting person intentionally ate assuming that his fast had already broken. Does the fast now become nullified? If so will Qadha as well as Kaffarah become Waajib or only Qadha? A: The fast will now become nullified. Only Qadha will be Waajib. (وإن أفطر خطأ) …

  • 2 July

    Working out one’s zakaat date

    Q: When will zakaat be obligatory and how should one work out one’s zakaat date? A: When a person acquires wealth (upon which zakaat is compulsory) which equals the nisaab and the wealth remains with him for an entire lunar year from the first day he acquires this wealth, zakaat will …

  • 2 July

    Eating Forgetfully while Fasting

    Q: If a person forgetfully eats while fasting does his fast break? A: The fast will not break by forgetfully eating or drinking. (إذا أكل الصائم أو شرب أو جامع) حال كونه (ناسيا) في الفرض والنفل (الدر المختار 2/394) إذا أكل الصائم أو شرب أو جامع ناسيا لم يفطر ولا …

  • 2 July

    Zakaat on precious stones besides gold and silver

    Q: Is zakaat compulsory upon platinum, gems, rubies, diamonds, sapphires, etc? A: Zakaat is not compulsory on all precious stones besides gold and silver, unless they were purchased with the intention of resale. (لا زكاة في اللآلىء والجواهر ) وإن ساوت ألفا اتفاقا ( إلا أن يكون التجارة ) والأصل …

  • 2 July

    Inhaling the Smoke of Incense Sticks unintentionally whilst Fasting

    Q: If a person whilst fasting unintentionally inhales the smoke of incense sticks will the fast be nullified? A: If whilst fasting, the smoke was inhaled unintentionally the fast will not break. If the smoke was inhaled intentionally the fast will break. Only Qadha will be Waajib. (أو دخل حلقه …

  • 2 July

    Smoking while fasting

    Q: Does smoking invalidate the fast? If so, will both qadha and kaffarah be necessary or only qadha? A: Smoking in the state of fasting nullifies the fast. It will be waajib (compulsory) upon one to keep qadha for the broken fast as well as kaffarah. ومفاده أنه لو أدخل …

  • 2 July

    The different types of zakaatable wealth

    Q: Upon which wealth does a person have to pay zakaat? A: Zakaat will be paid on the following: 1. Cash (including the balance of your bank deposits). 2. The market value of the merchandise contained in the share of the company i.e. one will be obligated to discharge the …

  • 2 July

    Zakaat on a person who has debts

    Q: Is zakaat compulsory on a person who possesses the nisaab amount but also has unsettled debts? A: The principle of shari’at is that after evaluating one’s zakaatable assets one will deduct his liabilities and debts. If the remaining amount reaches the nisaab, zakaat will be fardh. Examples: Nisaab: R4, …

  • 2 July

    Compensating for fasts missed due to illness

    Q: Due to illness a person is unable to fast. How does he compensate for the missed fasts? A: A person who is terminally ill and is unable to fast will compensate by giving fidyah for each missed fast. The amount of fidyah is equal to Sadaqatul fitr. If the …

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