Tag Archives: Abdul Mutallib

April, 2018

  • 7 April

    The Death of ‘Abdul Muttalib

    Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) remained in the care of his paternal grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib, for a period of two years. When he turned eight, ‘Abdul Muttalib also bid this world farewell. Based on the different views, ‘Abdul Muttalib passed away at the age of either eighty two, eighty five, ninety …

  • 7 April

    In the Care of ‘Abdul Muttalib – Part Two

    The father of Kindeer bin Sa‘eed says: During the era of ignorance, before the advent of Islam, I once came to Makkah to perform Haj. I saw a person making Tawaaf of the Ka’bah whilst uttering the following couplet: رُدَّ إِلَيَّ رَاكِبِيْ مُحَمَّدًا       يَا رَبِّ رُدَّهُ وَاصْطَنِعْ …

  • 7 April

    In the Care of ‘Abdul Muttalib – Part One

    Hazrat Umme Ayman (radhiyallahu ‘anha) returned to Makkah with Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and handed him into the care of his paternal grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib. ‘Abdul Muttalib always kept Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) with him. Whenever ‘Abdul Muttalib would be present in Musjid-ul-Haraam, a special mat would be placed in …

March, 2018

  • 15 March

    The Signs of Nubuwwah become Apparent

    ‘Abdul Muttalib’s condition differed greatly from the condition of the other Arabs at large. He would strongly prevent his children from any form of injustice and immorality. He would encourage them to adopt good character and shun evil behaviour. ‘Abdul Muttalib would enjoin the people to fulfil all vows and …

  • 13 March

    ‘Abdul Muttalib Draws Lots

    ‘Abdul Muttalib drew lots for all his sons and the name of ‘Abdullah, his most beloved son, came up in the draw. He grasped ‘Abdullah’s hand and proceeded with a knife towards the sacrificial quarters. When ‘Abdullah’s sisters witnessed this distressing sight, they were moved to weeping in anguish. One …

  • 13 March

    ‘Abdul Muttalib’s Vow

    While digging through the earth to excavate the well of Zam Zam, ‘Abdul Muttalib had nobody to assist him besides his only son, Haarith. He therefore took an oath that if Allah Ta‘ala blessed him with ten sons, who would grow up to be his helping hands; he would slaughter …

  • 12 March

    The Dream of ‘Abdul Muttalib

    When the rule of Makkah Mukarramah fell onto the shoulders of ‘Abdul Muttalib and the divine will of Allah Ta’ala decreed that the well which had been totally forgotten should now be rediscovered, He directed ‘Abdul Muttalib, by means of pious dreams, to dig up the area of the well. …

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