The View of our Elders regarding Seerat Jalsas on the 12th of Rabee‘ul Awwal

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The View of Hazrat Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (rahimahullah), one of the greatest Mujaahids of the 14th century of Islam  

Sheikhul Hadith Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahimahullah) writes:

Hazrat Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (rahimahullah) once came to Sahaaranpur on the 12th of Rabee‘ul Awwal when the people had decided to hold a Seerat Jalsah and insisted that Hazrat Moulana Madani (rahimahullah) attend and deliver a bayaan. I said that Mowlood is now being held in the name of Seerat. When people came to call Hazrat Madani (rahimahullah) for the bayaan, he sternly refused to come and began reprimanding them saying, “It seems like all the love and mahabbat you show for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is only on the 12th of Rabee‘ul Awwal. Why are you not having this program at any other time in the year and are confining it to the 12th of Rabee‘ul Awwal?” The people replied, “Hazrat! We are desirous of listening to bayaans on the seerat of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) at any time of the year. However, there is nobody willing to address us and deliver bayaans on the seerat of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) at other times.” Hazrat Madani (rahimahullah) said, “If the people are prepared, I am willing to give the bayaan at other times.” The people, without thinking, accepted this offer. Hazrat Madani (rahimahullah) promised to come and give a bayaan on the topic of seerat weekly on a Thursday night since his jumu‘ah programs were already arranged for a few months in advance. Apart from the occasions when he was out travelling, Hazrat (rahimahullah) came to Sahaaranpur every Thursday night for approximately four months for this program. Hazrat (rahimahullah) would reach Sahaaranpur at 8:30 and proceed directly to the Jaami‘ Musjid where he would perform salaah and thereafter commence the lecture. After the lecture, between 12:30 and 1:00 in the morning, Hazrat (rahimahullah) would come to my home.

(Aap Beeti 4/72)           

The View of Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Saheb Gangohi (rahimahullah), the Faqeeh of the 15th century of Islam


On the night of Me‘raaj, after the Esha Salaah, a bayaan is given to enlighten us regarding the incident of Me‘raaj. Similarly, a bayaan is given on the 12th Rabee‘ul Awwal after the Esha Salaah. Are these practices correct or are they innovations in Deen?


There is no special sunnah practice to be carried out exclusively on these nights. Hence these nights should be regarded the same as other ordinary nights. We should not, from our own side, add anything to Deen which is not part of Deen.

 (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah 5/433)


The View of Hazrat Sayyid Ahmed Shaheed Saheb (rahimahullah), the greatest Mujaddid of the 13th century of Islam

When Hazrat Sayyid Ahmed Shaheed Saheb (rahimahullah) had completed performing Haj, he proceeded to the blessed city of Madinah Munawwarah. During his stay in Madinah Munawwarah, a unique incident occurred which truly revealed his uncompromising commitment to completely following the Shariat. This incident is also a great lesson and means of inspiration for those who claim to be ardent lovers of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and claim to follow Deen entirely.

Some of the ‘Ulamaa and prominent people of the city had gathered in the musjid on the 12th of Rabee‘ul Awwal. A person came to Sayyid Ahmed Shaheed (rahimahullah) and said, “Tonight is the 12th of Rabee ‘ul Awwal and I have been sent by the prominent people of the city to invite you to the program in the musjid.” Sayyid Saheb (rahimahullah) was initially lying down when the person came to call him. On receiving the invitation, however, he immediately sat up and addressed Moulana ‘Abdul Hayy Saheb, the son-in-law and student of Shah ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Saheb (rahimahullah), saying, “Tell this person that if this program in the musjid is being held for the mere sake of entertainment, then excuse us from attending it. If it is held with the intention of ‘ibaadat, however, then prove and establish its position in Deen from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. It is only for the purpose of ‘ibaadat and earning reward that we have left our homes and travelled to this blessed land. Hence if it is proven that this program is established from the Qur’aan and Sunnah, we will wholeheartedly be pleased to attend. However, if it cannot be proven that this program is established in the Sunnah then we are totally absolved of it and have nothing to do with it.” Moulana ‘Abdul Hayy (rahimahullah) explained to the person what Sayyid Ahmed Shaheed Saheb (rahimahullah) had said. The person returned to the gathering in the musjid and informed them of Sayyid Saheb’s response. On hearing what Sayyid Ahmed Shaheed (rahimahullah) said, they all remained silent.

This incident occurred almost two hundred years ago in the year 1238AH (1822) and was certainly free of all the evil practices and customs prevalent today. Despite that, when Sayyid Saheb (rahimahullah) had seen that this was not established in the Sunnah, as it was not practiced by Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), he excused himself and refused to attend.

(Seerat Sayyid Ahmed Shahid 1/362)


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