The Greatest ‘Ibaadat is Abstention from Sin

go back signMuhammad bin Ka’b Qurazi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) said that the greatest ‘ibaadat is abstention from sin. If a person fulfils the faraaidh, waajibaat and sunnats and does not do much nafl, but at the same time he abstains from sins then this is in fact a great achievement. It is like a labourer who is punctual and does whatever instructions he receives. He will earn the favour of the employer. On the contrary if the labourer does some of the instructions received and carries out things against the desire of the employer, then he will not be respected and honoured.

Among the greatest trials are that of wealth and women. Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has already forewarned us regarding these two in the hadeeth. The trial of women is such that it just lasts for a short duration of time. Once a person resists his temptation, the rest then becomes extremely easy for him.

Source: Al-Haadi


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