The Four Types of People in the World

عن أبي كبشة الأنماري رضي الله عنه أنه سمع رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول ثلاث أقسم عليهن وأحدثكم حديثا فاحفظوه  قال ما نقص مال عبد من صدقة ولا ظلم عبد مظلمة صبر عليها إلا زاده الله عزا ولا فتح عبد باب مسألة إلا فتح الله عليه باب فقر أو كلمة نحوها وأحدثكم حديثا فاحفظوه قال إنما الدنيا لاربعة نفر عبد رزقه الله مالا وعلما فهو يتقي فيه ربه ويصل فيه رحمه ويعلم لله فيه حقا فهذا بأفضل المنازل وعبد رزقه الله علما ولم يرزقه مالا فهو صادق النية يقول لو أن لي مالا لعملت بعمل فلان فهو بنيته فأجرهما سواء وعبد رزقه الله مالا ولم يرزقه علما يخبط في ماله بغير علم ولا يتقي فيه ربه ولا يصل فيه رحمه ولا يعلم لله فيه حقا فهذا بأخبث المنازل وعبد لم يرزقه الله مالا ولا علما فهو يقول لو أن لي مالا لعملت فيه بعمل فلان فهو بنيته فوزرهما سواء رواه أحمد والترمذي واللفظ له وقال حديث حسن صحيح (الترغيب و الترهيب 1/66)

Hadhrat Abu Kabsha (Radhiallahu Anhu) reports that he heard Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) say: “I take a qasm upon three things, and in this regard I will narrate a hadith to you, so remember it.” He then said: “Through discharging sadaqah, one’s wealth does not decrease. The one who exercises patience upon the oppression done against him, Allah Ta’ala will grant him respect and honour. Whenever a servant opens the door of begging (from the creation), Allah Ta’ala opens the door of want and poverty for him.”

I will narrate to you a hadith, so remember it. The world contains four types of people. The first person is he who Allah Ta’ala blessed with wealth and knowledge (Deeni knowledge). In regard to the use of the wealth he fears Allah Ta’ala and he uses it to maintain family ties, and he is mindful of the rights of Allah Ta’ala in his wealth. This is the most virtuous person and greatest in rank.  The second person is he who Allah Ta’ala blessed with knowledge (Deeni knowledge) but did not grant him wealth. However on account of him possessing a sincere heart, he expresses the intention (with firm determination) before Allah Ta’ala that had he possessed wealth he would have surely carried out deeds of generosity as the first person carried out. Thus he will receive reward based on his intention, and he and the first person will both be equal in (receiving) reward. The third person is he whom Allah Ta’ala gave wealth, however He did not bless him with knowledge (Deeni knowledge). He squanders his wealth ignorantly, and does not fear Allah Ta’ala regarding his wealth, nor does he use the wealth to maintain family ties, nor is he mindful of the rights of Allah Ta’ala in his wealth. This person is the most despicable and the worst in rank. The forth person is he whom Allah Ta’ala did not bestow him with wealth or knowledge. He says (and desires within his heart with full determination) that had he possessed wealth, then he would have surely carried out evil deeds as the third person carried out. Thus he will receive sin based on his intention (i.e. due to his determination upon carrying out sin, he will be sinful in the court of Allah Ta’ala), and he and the third person will both be equal in (receiving) sin.


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