Taleem Series – Introduction

The greatest bounty of Allah Ta‘ala upon mankind is the bounty of deen. Through deen, one will acquire salvation in the Hereafter, be saved from the eternal punishment of Jahannum and gain entry into Jannah.

In the Quraan Majeed, Allah Ta‘ala refers to deen as His special bounty and favour upon this ummah. Allah Ta‘ala says:

اَلۡیَوۡمَ اَکۡمَلۡتُ لَکُمۡ دِیۡنَکُمۡ وَاَتۡمَمۡتُ عَلَیۡکُمۡ نِعۡمَتِیۡ وَرَضِیۡتُ لَکُمُ الۡاِسۡلَامَ دِیۡنًا

Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

Just as deen is the greatest bounty upon this ummah, it is also the greatest amaanat (responsibility) with which the ummah has been entrusted, and for which they will be questioned on the day of Qiyaamah.

In order to fulfil the right of this amaanat, the ummah has been obligated with three responsibilities.

The first responsibility is that they establish and uphold deen in their lives. The second responsibility is that they pass on deen to their families. The third responsibility is that they propagate deen to others. Our pious predecessors strove tirelessly throughout their lives to establish deen, preserve deen and propagate and spread deen to others.

Our respected and beloved Ustaadh and Shaikh, Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (daamat barakaatuh), the principal of Madrasah Taleemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, in the last Ramadhaan, during I’tikaaf, emphasized the need for Muslims to conduct Taleem of the Fazaail Kitaabs with their families in order for deen to be preserved in their lives.

Hence, in this regard, it was deemed appropriate that a weekly Taleem series of the Fazaail kitaabs be commenced in order to create the importance of Taleem in the ummah.

From among the recommended kitaabs of our pious predecessors are the Fazaail A’maal and Fazaail Sadaqaat of Shaikhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Khandelwi (rahimahullah).

The transformation and reformation of the Ummah through these kitaabs is well known and witnessed globally.

Insha Allah, we hope to send out two posts weekly from Fazaail A’maal and Fazaail Sadaqaat (with an audio recording) so that people can be reminded and encouraged to conduct Taleem with their families.

The original manner of conducting Taleem is to read from the actual kitaabs while seated respectfully with one’s family. However, due to people’s busy schedules, it is possible that one may not have access to the kitaabs (eg. one is out of one’s home or one is on safar), therefore in this case, one may read to one’s family from one’s phone.

Similarly, it should be understood that this initiative is merely a motivation and encouragement for people to commence Taleem in their homes. Hence, one should not restrict the Taleem with one’s family to only two days of the week, but one should endeavour to do Taleem with one’s family daily.

We make dua that Allah Ta‘ala accepts this humble effort and make it a means for deen coming alive in the entire ummah until the day of Qiyaamah.


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