The Formula to Protect One’s Deen and Imaan

Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi (rahimahullah) once mentioned:

Hazrat Haatim Asamm (rahimahullah) once said, “I feel that until one does not recite some portion of the Qur’aan Majeed daily as well as read or listen to some of the advices and incidents of his sheikh or other mashaaikh of the silsilah daily, his imaan will not remain safe.”

On one occasion, the people enquired from Hazrat Hamdaani (rahimahullah), “When a person’s sheikh passes away, then what should he do in order to safeguard his imaan?”

Hazrat Hamdaani (rahimahullah) replied, “He should study his sheikh’s advices, listen to his teachings and ponder over the meaning of his words. The reason is that through studying his advices and incidents, one will develop a connection with him and with deen, and this connection will then become the means for one to remain firm upon deen and acquire salvation in the Hereafter. The Hadith mentions, “The one who emulates a people will be counted among them (in the sight of Allah Ta‘ala).”

Furthermore, an additional benefit that is acquired through studying the incidents and advices of the mashaaikh and pious saints is that one will realise that one’s speech, actions and condition does not resemble theirs, and as a result, one will feel humbled, and self-admiration and pride will leave one’s heart. Thereafter, one will desire to emulate them and will endeavour to become like them.

(Malfoozaat Hakeemul Ummah 15/195)


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