Being Blessed with The Divine Assistance of Allah Ta‘ala

Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned the following:

When the servant corrects his relationship with Allah Ta‘ala, then he receives the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala. However, the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala does not always come to the servant in the manner that he understands and desires.

Rather, at times, the assistance of Allah Ta‘ala may come in the form of ease and good health, and at times it may come in the form of sickness. This can be likened to the example of a doctor. The doctor’s work is to treat the patient and assist him. However, at times he treats the patient by administering a laxative (causing running stomach), at times he treats the patient by administering a stimulant (through which the patient feels energetic and happy), and at other times, he treats the patient through carrying out a surgical operation. The purpose of all these various treatments is to assist the patient in his condition.

The sign (of one being blessed with the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala) is that in whichever condition one may be, his heart is at ease and pleased with the decree of Allah Ta‘ala.

(Malfoozaat Hakeemul Ummat 26/144)


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