The Great Importance of Using the Miswaak

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لقد أمرت بالسواك حتى ظننت أنه ينزل علي فيه قرآن أو وحي رواه أبو يعلى وأحمد ولفظه قال لقد أمرت بالسواك حتى خشيت أن يوحى إلي فيه شيء ورواته ثقات (الترغيب والترهيب 1/229)

Hazrat ibn Abbaas (Radiyallahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “I was commanded to use the miswaak to such an extent that I thought that Qur’aan or revelation will also be revealed regarding it (i.e. it’s command will be included in the Qur’aan. However, it’s command is found in the Hadith).


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Receiving Seventy Rewards

Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) reported, “Whoever sends salutations upon Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) once, Allah Ta‘ala and His angels will send seventy mercies and blessings upon him in return of his one Durood. Hence, whoever wishes to increase his Durood should increase it, and whoever wishes to decrease his Durood should decrease it (i.e. if he wants to earn great rewards, then he should increase his Durood).”

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