Making Qadha of Missed Qurbaani

October, 2011

  • 4 October

    Purchasing an animal for Qurbaani but not slaughtering it

    Q: A person upon whom qurbaani was waajib purchased the qurbaani animal but did not slaughter the animal until the days of qurbaani passed. How will he make qadha for the missed qurbaani? A: He should give the animal alive (without slaughtering it) in charity. (و) تصدق (بقيمتها غني شراها …

  • 4 October

    Qadha for missed Qurbaani

    Q: A person upon whom Qurbaani was waajib did not make Qurbaani until the days of Qurbaani passed. How will he make Qadha for the missed Qurbaani? A: He will have to give the value of a sacrificial animal in charity. وإن لم يشتر مثلها حتى مضت أيامها تصدق بقيمتها …

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