Fasting while Travelling

July, 2011

  • 2 July

    Fasting for one Commencing a Journey in Ramadhaan

    Q: A person intends travelling during the course of the day and at the time of subah saadiq (when the fast commences) he is still in his hometown. Is it permissible for him not to fast for that day? A: Fasting is compulsory upon a person who at the time …

  • 2 July

    Fasting while on a Journey

    Q: Is it compulsory for a Musaafir to fast while on a journey? A: It is not compulsory for a Musaafir to fast while travelling. Shari’ah has granted a Musaafir concession to not fast and to make up for the missed fast upon returning home after the month of Ramadhaan. …

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