Factors that Break or Do not Break the Fast

February, 2020

  • 6 February

    Swallowing a food particle stuck between one’s teeth while fasting

    Q: If one swallows a food particle stuck between one’s teeth while fasting, will the fast break? A: If the food particle which one swallows is the size of a chana seed (chickpea) or bigger, then the fast will break. However, if it is smaller than a chana seed, the …

July, 2011

  • 2 July

    Cooking on an open fire whilst Fasting

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who cooks on open fire? Will the smoke unintentionally inhaled whilst fasting nullify his fast? A: The smoke inhaled unintentionally whilst cooking will not nullify the fast. (أو دخل حلقه غبار أو ذباب أو دخان ) ولو ذاكرا استحسانا لعدم إمكان …

  • 2 July

    Burning Lawbaan or any other Incense Sticks whilst Fasting

    Q: Is it permissible for a person whilst fasting to scent the musjid through burning lawbaan or any other incense sticks? A: It is makrooh for a fasting person to burn lawbaan or incense sticks in the musjid or anywhere else, due to the fear that he will inhale the …

  • 2 July

    Nosebleed whilst Fasting

    Q: Whilst fasting, if the nose begins to bleed, will the fast break? A: In the case where the blood does not go down the nasal passage, the fast will not break. If the blood flowed down the nasal passage and entered the throat then it will be seen whether the blood …

  • 2 July

    Gums Bleeding whilst Fasting

    Q: Whilst fasting, if the gums begin to bleed and the blood flows down the throat will the fast break? If so will both Qadha and Kaffarah be Waajib or only Qadha? A: If the blood which was swallowed with the saliva was more than the saliva or equal to …

  • 2 July

    Using Eye-drops, Ear-drops and Nose-drops while Fasting

    Q: Is it permissible to use eye-drops, ear-drops and nose-drops while fasting and will this nullify the fast? A: It is permissible to use eye-drops while fasting. The fast will not be nullified. However, using ear-drops and nose-drops while fasting is impermissible and will nullify the fast. (أو ادهن أو …

  • 2 July

    Water going down the Throat when Gargling or Rinsing the Nose whilst Fasting

    Q: If whilst fasting, water goes down the throat when gargling the mouth or rinsing the nose in Wudhu or Ghusl will the fast break? A: If one was aware that he was fasting at the time the water seeped down the throat or nostril the fast will break. If …

  • 2 July

    Inhaling the Smoke of Incense Sticks unintentionally whilst Fasting

    Q: If a person whilst fasting unintentionally inhales the smoke of incense sticks will the fast be nullified? A: If whilst fasting, the smoke was inhaled unintentionally the fast will not break. If the smoke was inhaled intentionally the fast will break. Only Qadha will be Waajib. (أو دخل حلقه …

  • 2 July

    Smoking while fasting

    Q: Does smoking invalidate the fast? If so, will both qadha and kaffarah be necessary or only qadha? A: Smoking in the state of fasting nullifies the fast. It will be waajib (compulsory) upon one to keep qadha for the broken fast as well as kaffarah. ومفاده أنه لو أدخل …

  • 2 July

    Masturbating whilst Fasting

    Q: If a person whilst fasting masturbates will the fast break? If so will Qadha as well as Kaffarah become Waajib or only Qadha? A: If one masturbates whilst fasting the fast will be nullified. Only Qadha will be Waajib. NB: It is impermissible for a person to take enjoyment through …

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