The Second Narration (continued): Hazrat Abu Zar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) said (continuing the incident of his embracing Islam): One bright, moonlit night, I was by the Ka‘bah when the people of Makkah Mukarramah were sound asleep. Myself aside, there were only two women present and they were making tawaaf. Whenever these …
April, 2016
16 April
Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part Three
The Second Narration: The second narration regarding Hazrat Abu Zar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) embracing Islam is that which is narrated by Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin As-Saamit (rahimahullah). He reports that Hazrat Abu Zar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) said: We departed from our tribe, the Ghifaar, who were a people who would revere and honor …
2 April
Hadhrat Abu Zar Ghifaari (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part Two
Accepting Islam: There are different narrations recorded regarding Hazrat Abu Zar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) accepting Islam. The First Narration: The first narration is reported by Hazrat ibn ‘Abbaas (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma). He says: When the news reached Hazrat Abu Zar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) had claimed Nubuwwah, he said to his …
March, 2016
28 March
Hadhrat Abu Zar Ghifaari (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part One
Name: Jundub bin Junaadah (Isaabah 7/105, Usdul Ghaabah 1/343) Appellation: Abu Zar Mother’s Name: Ramlah bint Al-Waqee‘ah (Usdul Ghaabah 4/436, Istee‘aab 1/321) Physical Description: He was a tall, thin Sahaabi who was wheat colored in complexion and had a thick beard. (Isaabah 7/107, Siyar A‘laam min Nubalaa 3/379) Condition before Accepting Islam: Before accepting Islam, Hazrat Abu Zar …