Tag Archives: Scattered Pearls

May, 2015

  • 10 May

    Hadhrat Moulana Saharanpuri Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and Salaah with jamaat

    Explaining the importance that Hadhrat Moulana Khaleel Ahmad Saharanpuri rahmatullahi alaih showed to the performance of Salaah with jamaat especially in the Haram Shareef, Mufti Aashiq Ilaahi Meeruti rahmatullahi alaih writes: “At all times, Salaah with jamaat would be the source of pleasure and joy for Hadhrat Moulana Khaleel Ahmad …

  • 3 May

    Hadhrat Moulana Asadullah Sahib rahmatullahi alaih and takbeer-e-ula

    Hadhrat Qaari Siddeeq Baandwi rahmatullahi alaih mentioned an incident that had taken place in his days of khidmah of his shaikh Hadhrat Moulana As`adullah Sahib rahmatullahi alaih. He says, “I used to help Hadhrat Naazim Sahib rahmatullahi alaih to make wudhu. Hadhrat was very particular about performing every Salaah with …

April, 2015

  • 26 April

    Hadhrat Moulana Asadullah Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and Salaah with jamaat

    Hadhrat Qaari Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi rahmatullahi alaih once mentioned regarding his shaikh Hadhrat Moulana As`adullah Sahib rahmatullahi alaih: “Hadhrat Naazim Sahib (Moulana As`adullah) rahmatullahi alaih seldom travelled, fearing he would miss his Salaah with jamaat and his takbeer-e-ula. Once he had to go to Deoband to visit Hadhrat Qaari Muhammad …

  • 19 April

    Hadhrat Moulana Yaseen Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and showing importance to Salaah in the Musjid

    Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee` Sahib rahmatullahi alaih writes regarding his father Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Yaseen Sahib rahmatullahi alaih: Punctuality on jamaat Salaah was a distinctive feature in all the mureeds of Hadhrat Moulana Gangohi rahmatullahi alaih. My father also placed a lot of emphasis on it according to the teaching …

  • 5 April

    Hadhrat Moulana Yaseen Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and Salaah in the Musjid

    Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee` Sahib rahmatullahi alaih writes explaining the daily routine of his father Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Yaseen Sahib rahmatullahi alaih: “After lunch, he would never have his qailulah (siesta) at home. Rather, he would rest in a room adjacent to the Musjid so that nothing may become an …

March, 2015

  • 29 March

    Hadhrat Moulana Yaseen Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and showing importance to Salaah with jamaat

    Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Rafee` Uthmani daamat barakaatuhum writes regarding  Hadhrat Moulana Yaseen Sahib rahmatullahi alaih, the father of Mufti Muhammad Shafee` Sahib rahmatullahi alaih: During his final illness, in spite of being afflicted with severe bouts of diarrhoea and high fever, he would walk to the Musjid with the support …

  • 22 March

    Hadhrat Moulana Yaseen Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and Salaah with jamaat

    Hadhrat Moulana Yaseen Sahib rahmatullahi alaih, the father of Mufti Muhammad Shafee` Sahib rahmatullahi alaih used to very greatly emphasise the importance of Salaah with jamaat. In this regard, Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Rafee` Uthmani daamat barakaatuhum writes: "Salaah with jamaat was from amongst the very outstanding features in his life …

  • 15 March

    Hadhrat Moulana Saharanpuri Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and takbeer-e-ula

    Moulana Zafar Ahmad Uthmani rahmatullahi alaih relates: “I remained for six years in the khidmat of Hadhrat Moulana Khaleel Ahmad Saharanpuri rahmatullahi alaih. Never did I witness Hadhrat missing his takbeer-e-ula. However, there was one occasion when Hadhrat’s mouth began to bleed continuously whilst making wudhu for Fajr Salaah. Hadhrat …

  • 8 March

    Hadhrat Moulana Binnori (rahmatullahi alaih) and Salaah with jamaat

    Moulana Yusuf Ludhyanwi rahmatullahi alaih writes: “Once, some people had requested Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Binnori rahmatullahi alaih to come to the opening of their shop after the Jumu`ah Salaah. Hadhrat said to them: ‘On Fridays I perform Asr Salaah in my Musjid. Ensure that my jamaat Salaah is not missed.’ …

  • 1 March

    Hadhrat Moulana Gangohi Sahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and takbeer-e-ula

    Hadhrat Moulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi rahmatullahi alaih had once gone for the dastaarbandi jalsah in Deoband. On account of the large crowd and the multitudes of people greeting Hadhrat, there was a slight delay in Hadhrat coming to the Musjid. When Moulana had reached the Musjid, the qiraat had already …

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