Tag Archives: Musjid

June, 2012

  • 2 June

    Combing one’s hair in the Masjid

    Q: Is it permissible for one to comb his hair in the masjid? A: Combing ones hair in the masjid is permissible. However, care should be taken that the strands of hair do not fall in the masjid. لأن تنظيف المسجد واجب (بدائع الصنائع 2/115, الشامية 2/445) Answered by: Mufti …

  • 2 June

    Experiencing a Wet dream in the Masjid

    Q: What should a person do if he had a wet dream in the masjid? A: He should immediately leave the masjid to perform ghusl. ولو احتلم فيه إن خرج مسرعاً تيمّم ندباً وإن مكث لخوفٍ فوجوباً ولايصلى ولايقرأ (الدر المختار مع رد المحتار 1/172, حاشية الطحطاوى 144) Answered by: …

  • 2 June

    Using Masjid musallahs and mats in the Eid-gaa

    Q: Can the musallahs or mats of the masjid be used in the Eid-gaa and then returned to the masjid? A: If the musallahs or mats are given as waqf to the masjid it will be impermissible and if they are given as sadaqah it will be permissible. شرط الواقف …

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