Tag Archives: Malfoozaat

March, 2019

  • 28 March

    Etiquette of Du‘aa

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: Allah Ta‘ala describes the manner of the du‘aa of Hazrat Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) in the beginning of Surah Maryam. The purpose of this is to teach us the etiquette of du‘aa. The manner of his du‘aa was “nidaa’an khafiyya” (softly). Du‘aa should not …

  • 25 March

    Not Finding the Desired Level of Motivation in one’s Ibaadat

    Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: A person once wrote a letter to me wherein he complained of himself not finding the desired motivation to perform salaah, make zikr and recite the Qur’aan Shareef. He asked me for the cure and solution to his problem. I mentioned …

  • 21 March

    Who should we take Deen from?

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: We need to take deen from the person who gives us the true version of Deen without making any compromises in it. In our worldly life we appreciate the person who warns us of impending danger although it may sound very bitter. The …

  • 18 March

    The Cure for Stray Thoughts

    Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned in reply to a person who complained about stray thoughts: The best cure for stray thoughts mentioned in the Hadith is for one not to pay any attention to them. This cure has proven to be extremely effective in repelling stray …

  • 13 March

    Shortfall of Fathers

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: The father also needs to play a role in the upbringing of the child. He cannot expect the mother to do everything. Generally, the father feels that my responsibility is only to earn the money, and the mother feels that I need to …

  • 7 March

    Transparency between Parent and Child

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: As long as one’s children are not married, there should be complete transparency between them and the parents. The child cannot be left free to do as he pleases without any rules and restrictions. Together with conducting ta’leem daily, we need to spend …

February, 2019

  • 28 February

    The Duty of the Elder of the Home

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: The elder of the home is required to be a few steps ahead of the rest of the family in Deeni issues. The child feels that whatever my parents do is right. If the parent is chatting on his cell-phone secretly, or has …

  • 21 February

    Developing Gratitude

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: When Shaitaan was rejected, he vowed to Allah Ta‘ala that on account of him misguiding man, very few would be grateful. When a person has the quality of gratitude, then he will always obey the one who was kind to him. In order …

  • 14 February

    Calamities, a Means of Punishment or a Source of Blessings

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: Shaikh Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) explains that calamities are either a means of punishment or a source of blessings. It all depends on a person’s response and attitude to that calamity. If he is calm, composed and does not adopt a complaining …

  • 11 February

    Being More Concerned of One’s Reformation than the Reformation of Others

    Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: There is a great need for each person to be concerned about his own reformation and to correct his actions. Nowadays, we find that people have fallen into the sickness of worrying about other people’s weaknesses while they are unconcerned about …

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