Considering the Feelings of Others

Wood-pathHazrat Thaanwi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) mentions:

Once, there was a pious person whose wife used to harass him a lot.  It reached such a point that people noticed the inconvenience she was putting him through. Some concerned people even suggested to him that he should divorce her. He replied, “I also considered that option. However, when I had given it a moment of thought it occurred to me that if perhaps after divorcing her, she does not remarry; will this not be a means of inconvenience to her? If perchance she does remarry, then she may harass the second husband in the manner I am being treated. Hence, I decided to endure this difficulty and safeguard another Muslim from difficulty and inconvenience. As long as I am alive, why should I cause inconvenience to my wife or be the means for another Muslim undergoing unnecessary difficulty?" (Jawaahir Paare)


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