One Etiquette when Sitting by a Sick Person

comfortRasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) taught the Ummah that at the time of visiting the sick one should shorten one’s stay. The reason for this is so that one does not become the means of bringing discomfort and inconvenience to the sick. Hence from this mubaarak teaching of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) we understand that we should be considerate about the condition of people and their feelings when interacting with them.

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال من السنة تخفيف الجلوس وقلة الصخب  (مرقاة-باب عيادة المريض)

It is reported that Hadhrat ibn Abbaas (Radhiallahu Anhu) said: “It is from the Sunnah to shorten one’s visit (by the sick) and to avoid making noise.”

It is reported that once a group of people went to visit Hadhrat Sarri Saqti (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in his final illness. They prolonged their stay by him. Hadhrat Sarri Saqti (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was at that time suffering from stomach pains. They then intended to leave and asked Hadhrat Sarri Saqti (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) to make duaa for them. Hadhrat Sarri Saqti (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) made duaa: “O Allah, teach them the etiquettes of visiting the sick.” (Mirqaat)

On one occasion, a person went to visit a sick patient and remained by him for a long time. The sick person then said: “We have been greatly inconvenienced by the large number of people coming to visit us.” The visitor asked: “Should I get up and close the door for you so that they don’t come in?” The sick person replied: “Yes, but close it from outside.” (I.e. you also remain outside as you are also causing inconvenience).   (Mirqaat)


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