1.If you are seated and your elder speaks to you while he is standing, then out of respect, you should also stand and answer him. Do not remain seated and answer him while he is standing. The same will apply if he is sitting and you are standing. You should respectfully sit and answer him.[1]

2.When addressing your elder, speak to him with respect. Do not be rude and disrespectful in your approach.

3.Do not raise your voice above the voice of your elder, nor argue with him.

4.When you are in the company of your senior, do not embark on any activity without his consent.

5. Do not ask your senior to do any work for you. Rather, you should remain in his service.

6. Do not regard yourself to be equal or greater than your seniors.

[1] قوم يقرءون القرآن من المصاحف أو يقرأ رجل واحد فدخل عليه واحد من الأجلة أو الأشراف فقام القارئ لأجله قالوا: إن دخل عالم أو أبوه أو أستاذه الذي علمه العلم جاز له أن يقوم لأجله وما سوى ذلك لا يجوز كذا في فتاوى قاضي خان (الفتاوى الهندية ٣١٦/٥)


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