Masaail of Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah

October, 2011

  • 13 October

    Wudhu breaking during Tawaaf

    Q: What should a person do in the case where his wudhu broke during tawaaf? A: If one’s wudhu broke during the tawaaf he should immediately renew his wudhu and repeat the round wherein his wudhu broke. و لو طاف للصدر جنبا فعليه شاة و ان طافه محدثا فعليه لكل …

  • 13 October

    Performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah or Tawaaf of Umrah without Wudhu

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling if a person had performed Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat or Tawaaf of Umrah without wudhu? A: One damm will become waajib. However, if the tawaaf performed without wudhu was repeated the damm will fall away. و لو طاف للصدر جنبا فعليه شاة و ان طافه محدثا فعليه …

September, 2011

  • 19 September

    Delaying the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat till after the days of Qurbaani due to Illness

    Q: If a person delayed the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat till after the days of Qurbaani due to illness, will damm become waajib? A: Damm will not become waajib upon him. ( فإن أخره عنها ) أي أيام النحر ولياليها منها ( كره ) تحريما ( ووجب دم ) لترك الواجب وهذا عند …

  • 19 September

    Delaying the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat till after the days of Qurbaani due to haidh or nifaas

    Q: If a woman delayed the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat till after the days of Qurbaani due to haidh or nifaas, will damm become waajib? A: Damm will not become waajib upon her. ( فإن أخره عنها ) أي أيام النحر ولياليها منها ( كره ) تحريما ( ووجب دم ) لترك الواجب …

  • 19 September

    Unnecessarily delaying the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat till after the days of Qurbaani

    Q: What is the ruling if a Haaji delayed the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat till after the days of Qurbaani without a valid shar’i reason? A: One damm (i.e. one goat or sheep) becomes waajib upon him. ( فإن أخره عنها ) أي أيام النحر ولياليها منها ( كره ) تحريما ( ووجب …

  • 7 September

    Performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat in the State of Haidh

    Q: A woman sets out to perform Hajj. Before performing the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat she experienced haidh. Can she perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat in the state of haidh? A: It is not permissible for her to perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat in the state of haidh. She must perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat once she becomes pure. …

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