Conditions for the Validity of Zakaat

July, 2011

  • 20 July

    Offsetting a debt with the intention of zakaat

    Q: Will zakaat be discharged by offsetting a debt with the intention of zakaat? A: The zakaat will not be discharged by merely offsetting a debt with the intention of zakaat. However, if one wishes to discharge his zakaat through the debt owed to him, then he should give the …

  • 20 July

    Zakaat given under the Pretext of a Gift or a Loan

    Q: Will the zakaat be fulfilled if it is given under the pretext of a gift or a loan? A: If the person gave the wealth to the poor person under the pretext of a gift or a loan, but had the intention of discharging his zakaat, the zakaat will …

  • 20 July

    Using zakaat funds to pay a poor person’s municipal account

    Q: Will zakaat be discharged by paying a poor person’s light or water account? A: The fundamental requirement in the discharging of zakaat is the aspect of Tamleek i.e. to transfer ownership of the wealth to the recipient of zakaat. In the case where one pays the water or light …

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