Zakaat on Debts Owed to a Person

May, 2015

  • 23 May

    Zakaat on debts owed to a person in lieu of merchandise sold

    Q: Is zakaat payable on outstanding debts owed to a person in lieu of merchandise sold? If the debt is paid after few years, will zakaat have to be paid for the previous years? A: Zakaat is fardh upon debts owed in lieu of merchandise sold. If the debt is …

  • 23 May

    Zakaat on debts owed to a person in lieu of services carried out

    Q: Is zakaat payable on outstanding debts owed to a person in lieu of services carried out e.g. accountant’s fees, lawyer’s fees, etc? Will one include these outstanding debts when calculating one’s zakaat on one’s zakaat date? If the wealth is paid after a few years, will zakaat have to …

July, 2011

  • 20 July

    Zakaat on Bad Debts

    Q: What is the shar’iee ruling regarding a debt that is owed to a person who has no hope of receiving the money? A: If the debtor blankly denies owing the creditor and there is no way to retrieve the money, then zakaat will not be fardh upon the debt. …

  • 2 July

    Zakaat of a waived debt for the previous years

    Q: If the creditor waives the debt of the debtor who purchased goods of trade from him, will the zakaat of the debt remain compulsory upon the creditor for the previous years? A: If the creditor waives the debt of a poor person, then since the poor person is a recipient of zakaat, …

  • 2 July

    Zakaat on Rent owed to a Person

    Q: Is zakaat fardh on rent owed to a person? A: Zakaat is fardh upon rent once it is received provided it reaches the nisaab and one year passes over it. Zakaat is not fardh on the past years. (و) اعلم أن الديون عند الإمام ثلاثة قوي ومتوسط وضعيف (فتجب) …

  • 2 July

    Zakaat on Debts owed to a Person

    Q: Is it necessary upon a person to discharge the zakaat of those monies (debts) which are owed to him? A: There are few types of debts: Dain-e-Qawi: That debt which is owed to one in exchange of goods sold or monies loaned. The law of this type is that …

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