
June, 2012

  • 23 June

    Leaving the Musjid to Smoke while in I’tikaaf

    Q: Is it permissible for a person sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf to leave the musjid to smoke? A: It is impermissible. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا أما النفل فله الخروج لأنه منه له لا مبطل كما مر ( الخروج إلا لحاجة الإنسان ) طبيعية كبول وغائط …

  • 23 June

    Hafiz Leaving the Musjid to Perform Taraweeh While in I’tikaaf

    Q: What is the Shar’i ruling if a hafiz (who is sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf) leaves the musjid to perform taraaweeh? A: If he leaves the musjid to perform taraweeh, his sunnah i’tikaaf will break. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا …

  • 23 June

    Leaving the Musjid to Perform Ghusal to Cool Oneself in I’tikaaf

    Q: Is it permissible for one sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf to leave the musjid for a ghusal in order to cool himself? A: It is not permissible to leave the musjid for a ghusal in order to cool oneself. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا أما النفل …

  • 23 June

    Performing Ghusal After Relieving Oneself in I’tikaaf

    Q: If one left the musjid with the intention of relieving himself and thereafter made ghusal, will the I’tikaaf break? A: The I’tikaaf will not break. لو خرج لها ثم ذهب لعيادة مريض أو صلاة جنازة من غير أن يكون خرج لذلك قصدا فإنه جائز كما في البحر عن البدائع. …

  • 23 June

    Going for Friday Ghusal in I’tikaaf

    Q:  Can a person in i’tikaaf have a Friday bath with the intention that it is sunnah? Is it better for him not to have the Friday bath? A: One should not leave the musjid with the intention of taking a sunnah bath. If one leaves the Musjid with the …

  • 23 June

    Qadha of I’tikaaf

    Q: If one’s sunnah i’tikaaf broke, is it necessary for one to make qadha of the entire ten days i’tikaaf or qadha of only the day the i’tikaaf broke? A: One will only have to make qadha of the day the i’tikaaf broke. قوله ( أما النفل ) أي الشامل للسنة المؤكدة… لزوم …

  • 23 June

    Condition of i’tikaaf for one who left the musjid to wash his hands

    Q: If a person sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf leaves the musjid to wash his hands at meal times, will his i’tikaaf break? A: He should not leave the musjid to wash his hands. If he leaves the musjid to wash his hands, his sunnah i’tikaaf will break. Alternate arrangements should be made …

  • 21 June

    Leaving the Musjid to Wash one’s Hands in I’tikaaf

    Q: Is it permissible for a person sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf to leave the musjid to wash his hands at meal times? A: It is not permissible. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا أما النفل فله الخروج لأنه منه له لا مبطل كما مر ( الخروج إلا …

  • 21 June

    Stepping out of the Musjid by mistake in i’tikaaf

    Q: If a person mistakenly steps out of the musjid during his sunnah i’tikaaf, what is the condition of his sunnah i’tikaaf? Will his sunnah i’tikaaf break? A: If he mistakenly or deliberately steps out of the musjid, his sunnah i’tikaaf will break. ( فلو خرج ) ولو ناسيا ( ساعة ) زمانية …

  • 16 June

    Experiencing Haidh While Sitting in I’tikaaf

    Q: If a woman experiences haidh (menses) whilst sitting in i’tikaaf, what is the condition of her i’tikaaf? A: Her i’tikaaf will break. الباب السابع في الاعتكاف لا بد من معرفة تفسيره وتقسيمه وركنه وشروطه وآدابه ومحاسنه ومفسداته ومحظوراته أما تفسيره فهو اللبث في المسجد مع نية الاعتكاف كذا في …

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